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This is a guide to the terms and acronyms commonly used when describing our API/Offline programs.


Access Token

An object that contains security information, such as identity and privileges.

API - Application Programming Interface

Refers to software that helps with accurate and efficient sharing of data between two systems. APIs are often referenced as our standard method of sharing agronomic data with the producer's service provider.


ADAPT is an open source project, allowing precision ag software providers globally to use the software and to contribute to its continued development, all with the goal of ensuring broad adoption. See more about AgGateway's ADAPT here.


A group or resource that a client wants to access.

Auth0 - Auth Zero

An OAuth service provider that hosts the OAuth authentication server.


A verification process for the identity of a user, process, or device. This occurs before providing access to resources.


A process that determines the privileges and level of access of a user or client. This occurs after authentication.

Authorization Code

A unique code, made of letters and numbers, that an authenticated user or client uses to verify their access to resources.


Base URL

The Base URL is the initial part of the URL for the API to use. There are two Base URLs used with our APIs. The Identity Base URL points to the Identity provider. The API Base URL points to the API. Refer to this article for appropriate values.

Boundary Type

The type of boundary needed. The options are: INNER or OUTER.


A unit of dry measure, equal to a cylinder of 18.5 inches in diameter by 8 inches in height. This equates to approximately 2150.4202 cubic inches.



Pieces of information about a particular user, packaged and signed into security tokens. When providing access, systems that need specific information can use these abstracted details.


A proprietary data file format used by all CNH Industrial OEM color displays until the Phoenix release. The CN1 SDK file format is an expansion of the original CN1 SDK file format. It supports more features such as guidance lines, fuel mapping, boundaries, variety mapping, field and seater notes, etc. It consists of a parent *.CN1 directory that contains a set of hierarchically structured folders and files.


Within the Ag Data API, a Company represents a business entity with assigned assets in fleets. A single CONNECT account may have many Companies created under the account, and each Company will have at least one fleet associated with it. Companies are the top level of the G/F/F/T hierarchy, with growers assigned to companies.

Company Account

An account which consolidates a Company under a single log in. This account will provide access to the data of members, APIs, and contracts which are assigned to the company.

Conflicted Task

A Conflicted Task refers to a task file uploaded to the FieldOps Portal from the vehicle and has conflicting data that stops the automatic classification of data into the G/F/F/T hierarchy. A manual input from the user will resolve the conflict and index the data to the correct Grower / Farm / Field.


A link or access point to a network.

Construction Equipment (CE) Account

An account, much like the Company Account, but one that support Construction Equipment only. This account will provide access to the data of members, APIs, and contracts which are assigned to the CE account.


A string to represent the crop type. i.e. "Corn", or "Soybean", etc...


Diagnostic Trouble Code

A Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) is used to identify and diagnose a malfunction in a vehicle or piece of heavy equipment. These are also known as engine fault codes.

Dilution of Precision (DOP)

Dilution Of Precision (DOP) is a value of probability for the geometrical effect on GPS accuracy. DOP values describe the current strength of the satellite configuration (or geometry). The uncertainty of the data collected in that moment is also described by the DOP.


The amount of force required to plant seeds at a certain depth. Using extra force may be necessary to reach the required depth in very compact soil, even though a planter itself exerts some force owing to its weight.



Failure Mode IDentifier

Failure Mode Identifier (FMI) is used along with the Suspect Parameter Number (SPN) to provide specific information that relates to a Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC). This occurs when an abnormal operating condition has been detected.


The second level of the G/F/F/T hierarchy.


The third level of the G/F/F/T hierarchy.

FieldOps Portal

Case IH and New Holland's respective online user portals (AFS CONNECT and MyPLMCONNECT). This provides access to telematics-enabled vehicles and agronomic data.

File Range

Download a large file (any file over 20MB) using FileId, a small piece at a time, using the file range query parameter.

FMIS - Farm Management Information System

A software application, usually a third party, that allows growers to view and manipulate agronomic data. Connections created between FieldOps Portals and individual FMIS can allow the sharing of data via APIs.


Geographic Coordinate System (GCS)

A reference system uses latitude and longitude to define the locations of points on the surface of a sphere or spheroid.

Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

A computer system designed to support the compiling, storing, retrieving, analyzing, and displaying of spatially referenced data for addressing planning and management problems.

GeoJSON - Geographical JavaScript Object Notation

GeoJSON is a format for encoding a variety of geographic data structures. You may find the specifications here.


Apache Parquet is a powerful column-oriented data format, built from the ground up to as a modern alternative to CSV files. GeoParquet is an incubating Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standard that adds interoperable geospatial types (Point, Line, Polygon) to Parquet. See more about GeoParquet here.


A GeoTIFF is a metadata standard that allows georeferencing information within a TIFF file. The information may include map projection, coordinate systems, ellipsoids, datums, and anything else to establish the exact spatial reference for the file.

Georeference System

A coordinate system that keeps track of specific points on the Earth's surface.  Examples of such systems are the Universal Transverse Mercator system (UTM) and the State Plane Coordinate System.


The Grower / Farm / Field / Boundary hierarchy. This describes how data is organized when refering to Grower and their field boundaries. A grower can have one or more farms grouped under it. A single farm can be made up of multiple fields. A field is made up of one or more boundaries.


The Grower / Farm / Field / Task hierarchy. This describes how data is organized when refering to Grower and their tasks. A grower can have one or more farms grouped under it. A single farm can be made up of multiple fields. A field can have one or more tasks assigned.


The highest level of the G/F/F/T hierarchy.

Grower Account

An account which consolidates a grower under a single log in.

Guidance Lines

The trajectory, or path of travel, from the vehicle's current location to a selected target. This includes desired changes in velocity, rotation, and acceleration for following that path. 



The direction the implement is facing, in degrees.

Horizational Dilution of Percision (HDOP)

The HDOP (Horizontal DOP) is the effect of the DOP on the horizontal position value. The more visible satellites low in the sky, the better the HDOP and the horizontal position (Latitude and Longitude) are.



A collection of attributes that uniquely represent a user or client. Both authentication and authorization use identity.

ISOXML - International Standards Organization Extensible Markup Language

Standard file format for data exchange, established within ISO11783.



This a standard created by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) covering the vehicle bus connection and communication throughout the vehicle.




A north/south measurement of position perpendicular to the earth's polar axis. Degrees, minutes, and seconds describe the precise location.


An east/west measurement of position in relation to the Prime Meridian, an imaginary circle that passes through the north and south poles. Degrees, minutes, and seconds describe precise locations.



Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI)

The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) is a simple graphical indicator used to analyze remote sensing measurements and assess whether the target observed contains live green vegetation.


OAuth 2.0

OAuth 2.0 is an open standard for access delegation. This is one way for Internet users to grant websites or applications access to their information on other websites, without giving them the passwords.


A logical grouping of tasks by the operation type.

Operation Type

The type of Operation needed. The options are: ALL, PLANTING, SPRAYING, SPREADING, HARVESTING, SWATHING, TILLAGE

Original Raw File Format

The original file format for the agronomic data collected by the vehicle display. This could be either CN1 or ISOXML.



Property defined only for inner boundaries. Indicates if the landmark is passable or not.


Access details that determine what actions a particular user can perform in a system.

PLM - Percision Land Management

Tailored to suit individual needs, New Holland's full range of Precision Farming solutions.

Position Dilution of Percision (PDOP)

The PDOP is a value of how many satellites are spread evenly throughout the sky. The more the satellites directly above you and the less on the horizon, the lower the PDOP value is.


To dispense certain products into the field on a prescribed or predetermined basis we use an application plan. An expert (grower or agronomist) uses information about the field to generate a prescription map before an application. The prescription determines the amount applied product.


A product is any chemical, seed, or plant used on a field. Using a product in an As-Applied operation or a prescription is typical. Chemical products are usually associated with a "Mix" of different units.



Raster Format

Raster format stores GIS spatial data within cells, which are addressed by rows and columns of the cells.

Refresh Token

This object contains security information, allowing for extra access tokens when an access token expires.


The repository is used to manage information from one or more CN1 devices. It acts as a single place where data from multiple cards can be collected together so all of the unique data can be collected without getting duplicates or losing information. This is necessary because it cannot be guaranteed that an individual card contains all data points for any specific task, nor the correct versions of management information (management information being grower, farm, and field type of information).


A collection of access rights and permissions to use resources. Roles can reflect organizational structures i.e. managers with the ability to assign subordinates tasks.

Role Based Access Control

An authorization approach that organizes access and permissions based on assigned roles. Assigning or revoking role(s) can affect a single user or group of users.



A mechanism that limits the access of the requesting party to a particular user’s resources.

Setup Data

The Setup Data is metadata attached to fields. Example data includes Grower, Farm, Field, Boundaries, Guidance lines, obstacles, and prescriptions.


The measure of how effective a planter is at placing a single seed at a time.

Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) Database

A digital version of the NRCS soil books. A polygon represents each soil type and then tied with associated soil type properties.

Subscription Key

Users receive keys after their application on the Developer Portal has been successfully created.

SUID - System Unique IDentifiers

A SUID for a given object is unique for the set of all objects of the same type between all monitors. SUIDs are not guaranteed to be unique between different types of objects.

Suspect Parameter Number (SPN)

Suspect Parameter Number (SPN) is used for diagnostic purposes to report and identify the abnormal operation of a Controller Application (CA).


A swath is the distance between two adjacent Guidance Lines in a Guidance Pattern. Swaths usually come in different types based on need and type of equipment. Common types are AB line, AB curve, Pivot, and Spiral.



The lowest level of the G/F/F/T hierarchy. While performing work in a field, this is the actual data collected. There is always a file associated with each task.


An associated timestamp, measured at a specific latitude and longitude coordinate.


Universal Time Coordinated (UTC)

Primary time standard globally used to regulate clocks and time.

Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM)

A specific Georeference System that represents the earth’s spherical shape as 2-D zones that are evenly spaced grid lines.


Vector Format

Vector format stores and displays GIS spatial data stored as points, lines, or areas to create a map object. Due to using a nearly continuous coordinate system, vector data is more accurately georeferenced than raster data.


Generally refers to a piece of equipment that is self-propelled (fitted with an engine and ground drive transmission).

Vertical Dilution of Precision (VDOP)

The VDOP (Vertical DOP) effect of the DOP on the vertical position value. The more visible satellites low in the sky, the better the VDOP and the vertical position (Altitude) are.


Well Known Text (WKT)

This Standard defines the structure and content of well-known text strings describing coordinate reference systems (CRSs) and coordinate operations between coordinate reference systems. For more information on Well Known Texts (WKT), please visit here.




Measurement of the amount of a crop grown, or product produced, per unit area of land. The units by which the yield of a crop is usually measured today are kilograms per hectare or bushels per acre.